Sunday, July 13, 2008


“Legendary” is not a term I like to just throw around. In the running community, we’ve got your Bowermans, Lebows, Waitz, etc. Closer to home we’ve got your Ratelles, Kleckers, Griaks, etc. And we’ve got Dan Conway. While he spent many years in Chetek, WI and now makes his home in Superior, WI, there’s no doubt that the Minnesota running scene is very familiar with his accomplishments. Being a “late bloomer” didn’t stop Dan from running fantastic times, including world age records.

I don’t remember exactly when I first heard of Dan Conway, but I’m guessing I was about 13 or 14 years old. Once in awhile Dan would stop at the road races in northern Wisconsin and he’d often bring a couple of his high school runners with him. Since my dad is Dan’s age, the best we could hope for on those days would be second in our age groups.

Your name litters the Minnesota Running Data Center with performances like your 2:23:07 at the age of 45, you’ve coached at the high school level for a number of years, and you’ve been inducted to the USATF Masters Hall of Fame. Is it possible to pick your fondest running memories over the last 30 years?
There are many fond running memories over the last 30 years. Probably the two most notable are winning the world masters 10k road race title in 30:26 in Perpignan, France in 1983 at age 44. And in 1992 setting a world indoor mile record for the 50-54 age group in 4:41.31 at the Sunkist games in Los Angeles. There were a dozen 50-54 year old runners in a special mile, including gold medallist Kip Keino of Kenya who had just turned 50.

The race in France was emotional because I dedicated it to my uncle Edward Franey who was killed in France while serving in the army in WWII. The last 300 meters were flat and I had decided the night before the race that I would sprint at that point. It seemed my uncle was with me.

Normally, I just ask people what their PRs are, but I think it’d be more interesting to get your PRs by age group, like 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69.

Age 40-49
Mile 4:27
10k 30:26
25k 1:22.24 (age 47)
Marathon 2:23:07

Age 50-59
Mile 4:41.31
5k 15:41 - Eugene, OR world track masters 1989
8k 26:16
10k 32:50
half marathon 1:19:xx (age 59)

Age 60-69
Mile 5:01 - world indoor age record 60-64
5k 18:19
8k 30:30
10k 36:02
Half Marathon 1:20:14

You didn’t start running until you were 37 or 38. Do you ever have any regrets or wonder what kind of times you could have run in your prime?
I remember someone asking the great pole vault champion, Bob Richards, how high did he think he would have vaulted with a fiberglass pole, rather than the non-bending pole of his era. He said he would probably sprint down the runway, plant the pole, pull and twist and jump the same height as he was jumping with the non-bending pole.

I was lucky to get into running at the height of the Masters running boom. I was sponsored by Nike for 15 years, including equipment and some trips. I have no regrets, it was a great run!

Do you have any goals you weren’t able to reach?
None to speak of.

What do you think set you apart from other runners at that time? What were your strengths and weaknesses?
I don't know what other runners were doing. I do know that I had great training partners. John Vodacek had run a 2:17 marathon, Duane Fjelstad ran a 2:36 marathon at age 45, John Kann, Dale Corbin, Bill Knickerbocker, Billy Danielson all loved to run. All were in the Chetek,WI area. We had dirt roads that were hilly for our long weekend run, we had a ski hill, a nice all weather track for speed work, good clean air and college kids to keep us humble in the summer, including Chad Johnson, the Donnerbauer brothers and many more.

On a personal level, I had been a laborer on a railroad section gang starting at age 17 and on through summers while in college. I also played college football at UW-Superior, a Division 3 school. I led the team in scoring as a 158 lb. running back one year – we didn't score much. I ran track in college as a sprinter and won a few relays, but never an individual race. My high school didn't have track or cross-country team. I believe these experiences were strengths later on.

I choose not to mention any weaknesses.

You seem to have great range from the 5K to the marathon. What do you think your best race distance has been over the years?
That's a tough question to answer. I'm not sure really. I liked them all if I was fit. Maybe the 10k, on a good day.

70 is right around the corner. Do you have your sites on any age group records?
After taking a year off last year from coaching the high school cross-country teams in Superior, I am going to be coaching again this year. Perhaps after the season I'll take a look, but for right now my thoughts are on the high school season.

In a previous interview I told Bruce Mortenson that I find myself thinking about age catching up and the inevitable slow-down. What do you attribute your longevity to and what advice do you have to help combat the aging process?
What did Bruce say? He certainly has had a great running career that spanned many decades, from NCAA Champion at Oregon to elite masters runner.

As for me, I feel like a million bucks - all green and wrinkled. I guess the good Lord has been good to me. I'm not one to give much advice. Just keep moving and be happy.

[Note: Bruce’s response was; I've been able to run so long because I love to run and had great teachers and running friends who continue to inspire me. The hard/easy approach to training is a big factor. I also try to run trails as much as possible. We have some great areas to run here and that helps mentally and physically. I get amused when young runners talk about "burnout" because I can say that I don't feel I have ever really had burnout in all my years of running (maybe just some injury "delays").]

Do you ever find yourself looking at race times for guys in their 80s like Lloyd Young, Burt Carlson, John Keston, etc.?
Yes I do. I really admire these guys. They are amazing. And the older I get the more amazing they become. I've known Lloyd for several years. He is a wonderful man.

With the Olympic Trials having just taken place, were there any particular events that you looked forward to watching?
I watched every day. The 800 was really exciting - the winner pulled an old Peter Snell trick and stuck out his arm to get himself out of a box. Kara Goucher, being from Duluth, was of particular interest, and she came through winning the 5,000 and placing second in the 10,000. I was surprised that Alan Webb didn't take it out fast when he realized it was a tactical race in the beginning. What was he waiting for? Bernard Lagat sure was impressive. I enjoyed all the distance races

You make your home in Wisconsin, but if you could run with any Minnesotan, past or present, who would it be?
I may live in Wisconsin but I sure got to know a lot of Minnesota masters runners over the years. And let me say they are a class act. A better group of guys you'll never find. I mean that sincerely. I learned from the best. Fierce competitors during a race and friendly after - as sport should be. I'd be proud to run with anyone of them!

Finally, what do you know now that you wish you’d known when you first started running?
That I wear a size 9 ½ running shoe, not an 8 ½.


  1. Great interview! I liked his answer to the, "how good would you have been if you'd started running earlier?" question. Everyone has ten or twelve years of hard training and racing in their legs. I suspect if Frank Shorter would have saved his legs for his 50s and 60s, he would be putting up pretty amazing times. You just can't wonder about it, and I'm glad to see Mr. Conway doesn't.

    Youth is wasted on the young! Thanks for the interview, Chad.

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Best training partner I ever had...

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Coach is an awesome guy! I didnt even no that he was this famous until a few weeks ago. Hes been my coach for the last 3 years and i didn't even know about anything he had done in his life. now there is a thing in the paper about him and all the amazing stuff he has done in his life. I feel luck just to know that he lives in my home town, let alone to have him as a coach a coach. and for him to come back my senior year in high school really meant a lot to me.

  4. Dan Conway began his running career in England in 1976 when he was on an exchange teacher program with me. We met for two days in Washington DC and I never saw him again but have heard about him and his exploits in England and of course in his running in USA since. I went on to teach in Chetek, where I developed in my basketball to later coach at pro level in England, develop 8 England players as well as win over 103 conference and tournaments. We both did pretty well from the exchange experience


  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Is this the same Dan Conway who went by the name, Cleaver Conway and nearly jumped out of his friends plane while flying to Nashville, TN.?

    If so, I agree he's a great runner. But if you ever go flying with him, make him sit in the back seat and relax.

    RL - I was in the Army with this bloke in 1961 & 1962
    where we fought bravely in The Battle For Seattle.

  6. A bit late to the party here, but I ran a few K's with Dan back in the day. Great guy, and his singular talent wasn't running. It was driving to Hardscrabble to run in the Blue Hills while playing both his banjo and harmonica, with a cup of coffee nearby for effect.. Guy sung like a Blue Tick hound, and ran like a Saluki!! Lots of great memories of running with the Chetek gang, and the BanjoMaster.. However, my favorite memory was a relay team I put together called the Hardscrabble Hasbeens. Dan ran the opening leg of an 80 mile relay race from Cable, Wisconsin to Ashland. There were some pretty good runners on the other teams, but darn if at the first hand-off it wasn't the BanjoMaster leading the race! I think there were 7 or 8 of us on the team, and we rocked it! Won, and I think grabbed the course record at the time. Great stuff, great guy, amazing athlete..

  7. Jerry T8:54 AM

    I had the great pleasure of meeting Dan in Sept of 2014. He was the anchor leg of a 6 man off track marathon relay team. The team took first place. I spent a good bit of time talking to Dan after the race and found him to be just like his the interview. A very humble man, with a great sense of humor. He is a man well worth knowing.

  8. The stories my mom, Collene Sajec used to tell me about her friend from the neighborhood, Danny Conway and his love for running sparked something in me. I am now training for my 7th Chicago Marathon in Oct 2017. My love for running stemmed from Danny Conway. Thank you sir.
