Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I probably met Adam Lindahl about two years ago. Run ‘n Fun had just opened a new store near my office, so I stopped in to check it out. I spoke with Adam for a little while and then left without buying anything. A few months later I went back to the store and you’d think I was Norm from Cheers coming in for a beer, as Adam remember me from my first visit.

The 25-year old Chanhassen resident, along with his wife Kelly, have since purchased that store and changed the name to TC Running Company. Be sure and stop by and say "hi" to Adam in-person. The store is located at 6405 City West Parkway in Eden Prairie.
(Photo courtesy of Paul H. Phillips of Competitive Image)

First off, congratulations on the purchase of your running store, TC Running Company. It’s only been 3 months, but how’s everything going?
It has been a fun, exciting and tiring first couple of months. However, it’s something I’ve wanted to do since I started at the St. Paul Run N Fun in 1997. I owe a great deal of thanks to Perry and Kari Bach for giving me the opportunity. I learned a lot from them and they have done such a wonderful job at Run N Fun that I plan to take what I learned from them and try to expand on it. They have one of the best running stores in the nation and I want to be right there with them. I want to thank all of our customers for their support and gratitude.

What do you foresee as your biggest business challenge?
Loving my job too much! For the past few months I have lived at the store. Working everyday from open to close, going to high school setups, paperwork and ordering. It can be quite overwhelming but I love it. However, my running has taken a backseat until late, my yard work is on the bottom of my “things to do” list and it doesn’t leave a lot of time for my wife and I to spend time together. I have to balance my work time and personal time if I want to stay in this for the long haul.

What would you tell someone who asks, “Why should I shop at TCRC?”
Well, I guess I would like to say that we are the best store in the cities, but not yet, maybe next year!! We are here for the customer. We have great prices, great selection of shoes, apparel and accessories. We want to be able to cater to all runners/walkers out there. If we don’t have something, heck I’ll order it the next day. We are your one-stop shop. For example, on a Saturday a customer can pickup their shoes and some apparel, have some coffee with a brownie or cookie, take a seat in our runners corner and read up on the latest Chad Austin blog while watching the Twins on the TV. We want customers to enjoy their visit and look forward to the next one.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?
The fact that I get to wear running shoes and running apparel to work, bring my dog into the store everyday and basically go to my second home. I get to help new runners whether they are young kids or adults that have never ran before. I get to see the same customers, some every two weeks or others every six months. I get to talk running everyday, share experiences with young and older runners and really live a dream job.

Has your training/racing suffered at all, due to the long hours associated with retail stores?
Just a bit. I’m finally getting into a routine again, but just as of late. When I first took over I’d usually wake up around 7 or so and make some coffee and do paperwork at home. Then I would go to work at the store from 10-8 and go home for dinner and do more work and go to bed. I still work almost everyday of the week, but I try to get a run in before work or during the day. Plus I try to get a run in with Brad Lowery a few times a week.

Your spring has included 28:59 at Human Race 8K, 35:36 at Get in Gear 10K and 1:16:08 at the New Prague Half Marathon. That means you ran the same pace for 13.1 miles that you could only hold for 8K two months earlier. It sounds like you’re coming around. How do you feel about your spring races?
Well considering I haven’t run a lot and don’t have anything to build on, I can’t complain too much. I was actually really surprised at New Prague. I’ve done maybe two runs over 13 miles in the last four months. If I keep a consistent 60-70 miles a week with a track workout and a long run in there I should be able to get back close to my old form.

What are your PRs?
5K – 14:53
8K – 24:48
10K – 31:05
Half Marathon – 1:16:08 official race at New Prague (1:13 in practice in college)
Marathon – 3:01

Hmm, the marathon PR kind of sticks out. Do you have any plans to do anything about that?
I plan to take down my 3:01 at Grandma’s. Hoping to break 2:50 due to a bet formed with my “old men” running group.

Care to tell us about “The Bet”?
The “old men” crew of runners has always given me hard because I haven’t broken three hours for the marathon. One night the harassment kept coming so I said I bet I can break 2:50 at Grandma’s. I had some takers as eight guys got in on it. If I break the mark they will pay my way at every monthly “boy’s night out” for a year. If I don’t break it, I owe those eight guys a free pair of shoes.

What has your recent training (mpw, workouts, etc.) been like as you prepare for Grandma’s Marathon?
Not what it should be. The past two and a half weeks have been my biggest mileage weeks in about six months. I ran 43 miles and then 63 the week of New Prague. Before that I was maybe running one or two days a weeks and one of those would be a race like, Human Race, Ron Daws 25K or Get in Gear 10K. I’m trying to get in two long runs a week, a few double days and maybe a track workout. My biggest challenge is just getting out the door, getting in the miles and staying motivated. Now that I have gotten into a routine these past few weeks, I don’t see why I can’t keep improving.

What is your fondest running memory?
My section 6AA 3200 meter race in 1997. Earlier in the week my grandpa past away and his funeral was the day of the race. My grandpa never saw me run because of his blindness. It was a rainy overcast day and I arrived at the meet in a real numb state. I really wasn’t thinking about the race or anything for that matter. I was just there. I didn’t think my chances of qualifying for State were even possible considering two of the top guys in state were in the race.

I was in third for most of the race and I was clicking off even splits, which I hadn’t been doing all year. I ran a 9:51 PR two weeks before at conference and in order to qualify for State I needed a top-2 finish or sub 9:31. Coming into the last lap of the race those guys had a nice gap on me. I started to hit the gas and with about 200 meters to go I caught and passed both of them. I ended placing second behind Matt Schadow of Hopkins and running my high school PR of 9:29. It was an emotional day for me. I’ll always remember that night as I thought to myself that my grandpa finally got to see me race.

Do you have a favorite local and/or national race?
The TC 10 mile is probably my favorite. The weather is a little cooler than the marathon. The course is great and you still get the Summit Avenue crowd as you would in the marathon. I hope Grandma’s Marathon takes over as my favorite race, but that will depend if I win “The Bet”.

If you could run with any Minnesotan, past or present, who would it be?
I’m fortunate to run with a great group of guys. If I hadn’t met them, I’d say those guys. If I had to choose one runner it would probably be Luke Watson. Even though we raced against each other in high school, I never really raced with him. I think Luke was, and still is, one of the greatest Minnesota distance runners. He was so dominant in high school and has some serious range in all the distances.

Finally, what do you know now that you wish you’d known when you first started running?
First, I would have backed off racing so much as a kid. I was a road racing freak when I was about 15. At the time, I loved running so much and always wanted to be running. As I got older, it lost some of its flavor and I got burned out. I think if I would have waited a few years for racing I would have been more successful in college.

Finally, patience, especially in the marathon. I haven’t really learned it yet, but I’m trying to. When I first started running I had very good success. As I went through high school, college and even now, I wanted everything to click right away. Running takes discipline, moderation and consistency. I have not always had those things, which attributed to my impatience. I hope my New Prague race is the start of gaining some patience.


  1. I think I got 10th in that 1997 3200. That was a good race.

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Great person and great store.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    TC Running is a great store! Adam remembers all his customers and even rememers their names and shoe sizes! He always gives us a good deal. And of course he is an EP alum which makes him even cooler!

  4. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Jeff always told us your story about your 3200 run at sections...that was a cool story.
